We just love a good parade, don’t you?

The St. Peter Area Chamber of Commerce has proudly hosted the Old-Fashioned 4th of July Celebration for 50 years. But St. Peter has been celebrating the Fourth of July for a long time. The Nicollet County Historical Society has photos dating back to the 1880s. Isn’t that incredible?
Though this year’s celebration was cancelled due to COVID-19, that doesn’t mean we can’t have our own parade.
So pull up your lawn chair, grab your favorite parade beverage, and enjoy our historical salute to St. Peter’s Fourth of July celebrations.
The horse-drawn carriage that appears to be leading the parade has reached a point slightly south of the intersection of the Avenue with Nassau Street. A bank is behind the carriage. The large clock along the curb was in front of Schleuder’s Jewelry Store.
Circa 1900 parade float filled with a number of women, many of whom carried parasols. Included in the photo are: driver James Williams, Maud Hulett Anderson, Lena Christofferson Lindstrom, Ida Schleuder Strathern, Lula Ribble Nelson, May McMillan, Leona Britzius, Grace Ribble Clark, and Amelia Kohl Bittner.
A marching band going south on Minnesota Avenue in St. Peter on the Fourth of July in 1908. The Mason Bros. Hardware store at left is at the intersection at Grace Street.
The Johnson Company float, 1905.
Schuveiller’s Store float with Barbara Nutter in the driver’s seat.
Cigar float in a parade in 1890. Carl Hensel is holding the pony of O.L. Davis and Burton Nutter is on the right.
A float heading north is shown in front of the Nicollet County Courthouse on the east side of the 500 block of South Minnesota Avenue.
View of the Engesser Brewery’s horse-drawn parade float for the Fourth of July celebration in St. Peter in 1899. Several men, Ben Engesser among them, are shown on the float, drinking beer. Bottles of beer line the edges of the float.
A parade on Minnesota Avenue in St. Peter on the Fourth of July in 1899. The City Bakery is at the north end of the west side of the 200 block of South Minnesota Avenue. Bicycle riders and a float by Klein & Co. are shown.
Here we see the bandstand at the intersection of Minnesota Avenue and Nassau street in St. Peter on the Fourth of July in 1908. The view is to the north.
The Four Flying Banvards putting on a show! Here we see the acrobats performing on Minnesota Avenue in St. Peter during the Fourth of July celebration in 1908. The Masonic Hall building is on the west side of the 300 block of South Minnesota Avenue.
More from the Four Flying Banvards performing on a trapeze on South Minnesota Avenue in St. Peter during a Fourth of July celebration in 1908.

Happy Fourth of July!